Nelson-Atkins Custom Prints
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About the Artwork

Richard Edward Miller’s The Sun Porch shows the influence of French Impressionism. The woman’s surroundings and attire are painted with small dabs and long, loose strokes of paint—characteristic of the Impressionist style. Miller encountered the Impressionists while spending summers in Giverny, France. There he saw and studied Claude Monet’s landscape paintings. Although Miller embraced the Impressionists’ desire to capture a fleeting moment, the female figure in The Sun Porch is strongly modeled, evidence of the ongoing influence of his early training.

Gift of Mary Edith Woodward in honor of the 75th anniversary of The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 2008.42

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About Our Prints

Made to Order
On-Demand Printing
All of our products are printed on-demand for each order. We adhere to strict production processes to ensure that the quality and consistency of every order matches the expectations of our institution and our customers.
Premium Materials
Archival Quality
We exclusively use 230 gsm archival paper and gallery-quality canvas substrates in our production process. The 12-color pigment ink printers we use produce incredibly accurate color reproduction, outstanding image clarity, and enhanced detail.
Match Your Style
Starting with the image size and the substrate, you can customize your print to match your needs and space. Then you can select a frame moulding from an assortment of high-quality options that you can tailor to suit the image and your decor.